"So, what's the latest?" I hear this question often enough that I thought I better update everyone on here. Sorry if anyone feels like I've left them in the dark. There's just been a LOT to get done. So... here's the latest:
1. My “official” leave date has not been determined yet. I’m waiting until I have my visa in hand before I make that decision. But the goal is still sometime in April, Lord willing.
2. I accepted an offer on my condo last week. They are doing the home inspection and termite inspection this week. If everything goes well, the close date should be later this month. Praise God!!
3. I am still living at my condo for now. A lot of my belongings were moved-out/donated before I listed it for sale back in October. But I still have some furniture that I'll need to move out (which we used to stage the condo), and of course all the items I've been using to live in the condo while it was listed. I'll be moving into my parents house soon along with the few items I'll need between now and when I leave for South Africa, and a couple of bags of stuff I'm hoping to take to SA with me. It's all a little confusing but a somewhat organized mass chaos at my place. Hopefully I'll have a move date soon and will be out of the condo and into my childhood home once again.
4. As for the visa process, I'm still waiting on my FBI clearance. The estimated time on the website has changed from 10-14 weeks to now read 14-16 weeks. I'm at week 12. Lord willing, it'll be charged to my account any day now and I'll know it's on its way to me. Once I have my FBI clearance, I’ll be almost 100% ready to fly to New York City and apply for my visa. There are a couple more papers I’m working on now that I’ll need, but these should be taken care of very soon. I’ll let you know when I plan to make the flight to NYC to apply in person. After I apply it will take about 10 days for them to process my request and let me know if I am approved or denied for my visa. If you know my friend Cindy Carter you already know this is a tricky process. I’ve been praying for His grace and guidance with this process either way. Lord willing, the whole Merryfield Village team will be in SA very soon!
5. Yes, I still am working for LifeWay as a Software Quality Assurance Tester. I plan on staying at LifeWay as long as they let me. They do know I'm moving to South Africa and have been so gracious about letting me stay on. I love working here!
6. The African Culture Night on Feb 6th was a blast! I had about 60 folks come and show their support for me and for what I feel God is calling me to do with the next chapter of my life. And I can’t thank you all enough for being there for me and for listening to my story!
7. I was able to raise some much needed funds at the Culture Night, however I am still in need of monthly support. If you or anyone you know would be interested in helping me reach my monthly support goal while I’m in South Africa, please have them visit the link below. Even if it’s only $10 a month, everything helps!
Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this journey with me. From my wise council team, to my emotional supporters, to my mentors, to my prayer partners, to my financial supporters, to my FaceBook friends, and more, I couldn’t do ANY of this without you all!! God has shown me His greatness and kindness by surrounding me with amazing people like each one of you! Thank you! It sounds so small compared to all you have given to me, but thank you!